Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Questions 13-18, Huckleberry Finn

3. Huck and Jim's manner of dress on the raft is symbolic. What do clothes represent?
Clothes represent constraints, and how you should act. With no clothes on you are free.

14. Why doesn't Huck expose the Duke and the King (Dauphin) as frauds?
He doesn't want to start drama. He is going to let them have their way. They aren't causing harm.
15. Who is the most shrewd, the King and the Duke or Huck? Why? Give some examples.
The king and the duke. They just want money, then don't care what comes of it, they are just using people for their own pleasure. Huck is trying to save Jim and himself. He is doing it for safety.

16. What does Twain satirize in the plan to present Romeo and Juliet? Discuss Romeo and Juliet as a motif.
They think that just because its shakespeare everyone will want to come. They are making fun of romanticism.

17. Discuss the significance of the pirate and the revival meeting. What is Twain satirizing?
The king is doing exactly what pap did. The gullibility of people to believe that people can change to be better.

18. Is Twain making a statement about society through the antics of the King and Duke? Explain.

Yes, they use bribery to get their way, and make you believe them. 

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