Thursday, September 29, 2011

Study Guide. Test #2

The Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Purpose- tell the story of Benjamin Franklin's life.
Overall Summery- Ben's life during his internship with his brother. Ben dislikes the internship because his brother treats him like the other interns. He decides to submit articles to the paper under the name of Sylis Dogood. His brother goes to jail, because of the remarks against those in power, that is published in the paper. James is released but can no longer publish the paper under his name. Ben takes over as publisher. James still trusts Ben as an apprentice. Ben & James fights, and Ben eventually leaves the paper. 

The Speech in the Virginia Convention
by Patrick Henry 
Purpose- To convince the politicians in the House of Burgesses that they should support a movement towards war and independence. 
Outline the argument-
Thesis: The question before us is one of either freedom or slavery
1) It is natural to give into the illusions of hope but we must look at experience
   a) The British over the last ten years have not responded to us
   b) The British have made warlike preparations against us and sent armies and navies to Americas.
          1) Who are these armies and navies for? These are implements of war and subjugation.
          2) Has the British any enemy in this quarter of the world?
2) We have petitioned, remonstrated, prostrated ourselves before the thorn looking to amended the situation and we have ignored.
3) We can't listen to arguments that we are too weak to oppose the British or we'll find ourselves chained, bound hand and foot.
4) We are not weak.
   a) We have 3 million citizens
   b) God is on our side
   c) God will rise up friends to help us
   d) Besides it is too late not to fight
Conclusion: As for me give me liberty or give me death!

Declaration of Independence 
by Thomas Jefferson 

Common Sense & The Crisis
by T. Paine

Corrected Sentences

1) Leonora walked on, her head little higher than usual.
2) The driver managed to escape from the vehicle, before it sank, and swam to the river-bank.
3) Don’t guess; use a timer or a watch.
4) The convict, said the judge, is mad.

1) Several countries participated in the airlift: Italy, Belgium, France, and Luxemburg.
2) "Only one course was open to us: surrender," said the ex-Major, "and we did."
3) Judge Carswell--later be nominated for the Supreme Court--had ruled against civil rights.
4) In last week's New Yorker--one of my favorite magazines-- I enjoyed reading Leland's article "How not to Go Camping."
5) "Yes," Jim said, "Ill be home by ten."

1. There was only one thing to do; study till dawn.

2. Montaigne wrote the following "A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself."

3. The following are the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.

4. Arriving on the 8 10 plane were Liz Brooks, --my old roommate-- ,her husband and Tim, their son.

5. When the teacher commented that her spelling was poor, Lynn replied, "All the members of my family are poor spellers. Why not me?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vocabulary Words- 3

1) Obsolete- Adj. Out of date.
We threw away our obsolete computer, and bought a new one.

2) Paucity- Noun. Smallness of quantity.
The paucity of evidence could not prove he was guilty.

3) Philistine- Noun. Someone who is hostile or indifferent.
She acted like a philistine when she was talking about how santa isn't real to her little sister.

4) Meticulous- Adj. Showing extreme care about minute details. 

The meticulous maid kept everything clean and orderly.

5) Officious- Adj. Offering ones, unrequested and unwanted advice. 
The officious man would not stop telling me how to cook a chicken, even though I told him to stop.

6) Peruse- Verb. To read through with care.
I had to peruse through my notes before my exam.

7) Mitigate- Verb. To make less severe.
The doctor had to mitigate the cut by putting medicine on it.

8) Perfidy- Noun. Deliberate breach of faith or trust.
The therapist committed perfidy when she told her mom about what a client said.

9) Morose- Adj. Characterized by expressing gloom. 

The morose movie about dying dogs made the little girl want to go save them.  

Scarlet Letter Vocab. 
1) Dearth- Noun. Scarce, an inadequate supply.
There is a dearth of crayons in the box of markers.

2) Magnate- Noun. A person of great influence.
Oprah is a magnate, because she built a school in Africa for children in need.

3) Opaque- Adjective. Not transparent or translucent
The window was so dirty it was opaque. 
4) Veneration- Noun. Act of treating someone with deep respect.
The veneration of my class mates is very little.

5) Florid- Adjective. Reddish, Rosy.

6) Esoteric- Adjective. Understood by, only for select people with a special knowledge.

7) Malleable- Adjective. A

ble to be hammered or pressedpermanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.

8) Evanescent- Adjective. V
anishing; fading away; fleeting.

9) Vitiated- Verb. Make Faulty.

10) Propensity- Noun. A natural inclination. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Declaration of Independence

These are the reasons why we are breaking away from Great Britain. "A decant respect to the opinions of man kind requires that they list the reasons that impel the separation."
Point 1- All men are created equal. 
   a) All men have certain rights: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
   b) Governments are created to protect these rights.
   c) When governments no longer protect these rights, men have a right to change government
   d) Governments should not be changed for light reasons or reasons that are only temporary, but after        repeated offenses its the duty of men to change them.
Point 2-
   a) Great Britain has a long list of abuses against the colonies, and here is the list: (in book)
Point 3-
Because of all this we are breaking with Britain and declaring ourselves independent.

Dash Notes

Dash- Informal mark of punctuation used for stylistic effects


1.) Set off words introduced unexpectedly.
Ex: That looks like smoke coming from - help! Fire!

2) Abrupt breaking off of one thought into another, or a discovery of an unexpected thought or idea.
Ex: When you see Ann -here she comes- act as if nothing had happened.

3.) Use a dash to separate two identical or almost identical words.
Ex. I can do the job -the job of gangstering the Brady Bunch.
      Dole and Nixon -these men were his idols.

4.) Use a dash before a list  that explains in detail some word or phrase in the first part of the sentence.
Ex. Bring some romantic item -among other things roses, Champagne, and candles.

5.) Many authors use the dash as a method of a pause when a character is speaking.
Ex. "Oh, her got her the job, did he? -Well, I'm going to fix it so she won't need and job."

6.) James Joyce uses the dash instead of quotations.
Ex. --O, Mr. D'Arcy, cried Mary Jane, it's downright mean of you to break off like that when we were al in raptures listening to you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Speech in the Virginia Convention- Questions

1a. To debate each other.

2a. The army is already there. There isn't a way to avoid it.

3a. Its here. He is welcoming it. He wants it to happen.

4a. The colonist have done all these things, and the british have done nothing to  resolve the problem.

1b. Its his duty to speak out, and ay what he thinks. He believes that Britain is there for war like reasons.

2b. They are just ignoring the petition and they are just going to go on with the war no matter what.

3b. They would have to become slaves, and he would rather die than do that.

4b. Taking the troops out of boston, and taking the tax out everywhere.

5b. Lt. Eheren Watada Went into the war understanding why he was fighting, but when he researched it, he found out it was under false accusations. He then  asked if he could be deployed to Afghanistan, but they declined. He went to trial twice about it, so he cant be tried anymore. He now works at fort lewis, with a continuous threat, of going to jail for 6-8 years for speaking the truth.

Combining Sentences

Sentence Kernel
The simple sentence- subject, verb, direct object.


Exercise #1

Kernel: My shoes are Nikes.

Sentence to combine: My shoes are designed to play tennis. My Nikes have Soles. I like their weight. 

Designed to play tennis, my Nikes have air soles, and I like their weight.

Kernal: Breakfast is my favorite meal.

Breakfast, my favorite meal, always starts my day off right when I eat a hot breakfast like bacon and eggs, unlike when I eat oatmeal.

Kernal: John owns a hat

Because John's girlfriend likes to see John in hats, he loves to wear cowboy hats like his hero John Wayne.

Espinoage, the secret collection of intelligent information, was started in China over 2000 years ago by Sun Tzu.

When Dan's father shot the big bear, which got into the garbage, and ate the left over pizza, Dan cried. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Comma Notes

1.) They divide items into lists, but are not requires before the "and on the end.
Ex: The four refreshing fruit flavors of Opal Fruits are orange, lemon, strawberry and lime.

2.) Commas are used when two completes senterces are joined together using such conjunctions as "and", "or", "but", and "yet".
Ex" The boys wanted to stay up past midnight, but they had a race to run the next day, and their coach told them no.

  Comma splice- occurs when use a comma is used instead of a semi-colon.
      Ex: It was the queens birthday, she recieved a lot of presents.
        Should be: It was the queens birthday; she recieved a lot of presents.
        or:  It was the queens birthday, and she recieved a lot of presents.

3.) Commas fill gaps where other words might go.
Ex: Annie had dark hair; Sally, fair.

4.) Commas before direct speech.
Ex: The queen said, "It's my birthday and I want lots of presents."

5.) Commas set off interjections.
Ex: Stop, or I'll scream.

6.) Commas set aside non-essential information.
Ex: John Keats, who did any harm to anyone, is often invoked by grammarians.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God- Questions

1a. God Keeps you alive. God makes air, water, food, shelter. And he can take it away at anytime he wants.

2a. God is not making the sun, air, and harvest for the sinner. It is just because he made it and put it there.

3a. Change the heart/your ways, born again, and to embrace the spirit of god.

4a. You are worse than a loathsome Spider, venomous snake, stubborn rebel, then there is no reason why you haven't been put into hell last night, this morning, or right now. God is holding you onto you, and he could drop you at any second.

5a. Yes....

1b. It means that god can let you go at any second and fall like a rock.

2b. Black Clouds. Ready to bring a storm.

3b. ?


5b. Idea of mercy. different.
Edwards idea of god is

Study Guide. Test #1

1) Know what type of document it is (Political, Religious (as a sermon), history, biography)
2) Know the purpose of the document (why was it recorded? what was the author's intentions?)
3) Be able to summarize the document.
4) Review study questions for each reading.

The Iroquois Constitution 
Primary Source- Political writing
Recording of how a ceremony is supposed to go about. 
Meet under the tree of peace. 5nations. accept the new leaders into the group. Voted in by the women. After they are accepted, they all become a family, and they...... (look at speech)

The Devastation of the indies
Primary- History
Persuade the spanish that the way they were treating the natives was bad.
Pearl Diving. Forced to keep diving until they drown/eaten. or catch a good amount. Give them food. if they rebel and accidentally kill a spaniard. 100 indians will die. 
Go against Christianity.

The General History of the Virginia
Primary- Biography/History
Make him self look good. Could be true. All from his point of view.
They find new land. 

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Primary- Informational/speech/sermon
Persuade to have more interest in the ways of the church.
God gives you all the things you have, and he can take them away at anytime. Gods anger to a bow, drench your blood. Spiders being held over a pit. drop you anytime. 

Of Plymouth Plantation 
Primary- History
show what happens/how it came about/how it survived
On the boat,  sairl says he wants to trow everyone off the boat, then god smites him and he gets sick and dies. in cape cod. Land at plymouth. mayflower compact. starvation. Thanksgiving. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The General History of Virginia- Questions

1a. Powhatan, their emperor lives there. There was more than 200 of grim courtiers. All of their heads were painted red, and had a great chain of white beads around their necks.

2a. Pohawtan planned his exection. But Pocahontas saved him by throwing herself in front of him. While men with clubs stand in front of him.

3a. They bring him food, and supplies they might need.

5a. Yes. He probably didn't understand the indian culture and how they act. He maybe wrote this 15years later to show that he did do something for the founding of America, or exaggerate what he did to make him self look better.

1b. He may have done it to show that he has power over them. They looked at him like he was a monster, they have probably never seen a white man before, so it was all new to them.

2b. I think she saved his life because she liked him.

3b. Because of the food they were getting, saved people from starving to death. And made the americans think they could live in Jamestown without dying.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Colon & Semi-Colon Notes

Semi-Colon- A stylistic mark that is never necessary; it takes the place of a comma or period.
1. To join two or more close related sentences or complete sentences.
    ex. The black Saturn slid into a snow Bank; the driver go out reciting: "The moon, a silver slither of an eights note."
(Could be written with a coma)

2. To connect interrelated ideas of thoughts.
    ex. In France, we bought tea; in Amsterdam coffee; in America, coke-cola; In Ireland, apple juice.
(Could be written with a coma)

3. A semi-colon may replace a comma to separate items of a list when additional commas may confuse the reader.
    ex. The winning numbers were 1,2783; 3,458; 78,849; and 3,454; Dean had all of them.

Colon- Stylistic mark, never necessary, takes the place of a comma.
1. Introduce a list
    ex. Bob excels in the following activities, wrecking his car, baseball, and basketball.
(A list must be introduced)

2. After a statement that introduces a quotation
    ex. We were at the pizza station when john shouted: "That girl is in my class."

3. Many writers use the colon to define or expand on some object or subject within a sentence.
    ex. "Powerhouse reads each one, studying with a secret face: that is the face which looks like a mask- any body's; there is a moment when he makes a decision.

Vocabulary Words- 2

1) Disdain- Verb
    Show contempt 
I showed disdain when I told the teacher he was wrong. 

2) Dogmatic- Adjective
      Asserting opinions in a arrogant manner
The dogmatic man on the street wouldn't let me go until I joined the colt. 

3) Egregious- Adjective

      Extraordinary in some bad way
The egregious cheating made the student get caught and have detention.

4) Emulate- Verb

      To try to equal or excel
Mr. Fielding always tells us we should emulate Kaitlyn's study habits. 

5) Dissipated- Verb

      To become scattered or dispersed 
The flood dissipated and the town was a wreck. 

6) Diminution- Noun

      Lessening, Reduction
The diminution of the students in the school, made the hallways less crowded. 

7) Disparage- Verb

      To belittle someone, or something
The coach told us to not disparage our team mates by telling them how much they suck. 

8) Effervescent- Adjective
      Lively, and Sparkling
The effervescent little girl was so happy after she won the award for the "most excited," after the game. 

9) Elucidate- Verb
      To make clear
The PE teacher had to elucidate the rules on how to play badminton. 

10) Distraught- Adjective
      Distracted, deeply agitated
I was distraught after I was told I was adopted.