Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Notes

Picarsque Novel: Usually a satirical novel which depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero of low social class who survives by his or her wits in a corrupt society.

Bildungsroman: A novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological and intellectual development of a youthful main character.

Episodic Plot: A structure that features distinct episodes or a series of stories linked together by the same character. Huck Finn can be broken up into 8 or 9 episodes.

Work of literature that deal with imagination, that represent ideals of life, these works often include fantastic adventure stories, spiritual connections with nature, gothic stories of the fantastic. Authors include: Sir Walter Scott, Fenimore Cooper, Poe.

Works of literature that depict life and people as they really appear. Hence Realistic.
Themes include corruption of society as a whole, racism.

A protagonist who doesn't fit the traditional description of a hero.

An assumed identity or character.

A work of literature that uses irony and hyperbole to attack and mock some aspect of society as a way to promote social change.

Major Themes: Mark Twain described the major theme of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as an irony: "A sound heart and a deformed conscience come into collision and conscience suffers defeat." We can define the "deformed conscience" as a conscience influenced by the laws of society and a sense of duty toward those laws. The laws of society at the time of Huck's journey considered people of African descent as property and, therefore, less than human. Huck's struggle with his "deformed conscience" represents a major conflict in the novel. Furthermore, the novel is rich in common themes, themes that we will discover in many other pieces of literature.

1. The conflict between the individual and society - Huck's struggle with his "deformed conscience"
2. The conflict between the emotional and the rational
3. Appearance vs. reality - hypocrisy and "phoniness"
4. Superstition - as a method of explaining and understanding
5. Tolerance vs. prejudice
6. Dehumanization - dehumanizing human beings to oppress them
7. Death and rebirth
8. Coming of age - the hero's journey
9. The role of the outsider
10. The nature and significance of the following human traits: gullibility, ignorance and naivete

Other significant themes include: the feeling of loneliness and isolation; the quest for freedom; romantic vs. real; implied vs. literal; the role of women; the concept of family

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

dialect journal 53, pg. 223

It is singular, nevertheless, that certain persons, who were spectators of the whole scene, and professed never once to have removed their eyes from the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, denied that there was any mark whatever on his breast.

Some people are denying that they saw anything. They want to believe the best in evryoine. Especially there minister who is supposed to set the example of what kind of person they should be. 

dialect journal 52, pg. 222

"Pearl kissed his lips. A spell was broken."

This is showing that Pearl Forgives him. After 7 long years of hiding in shame, and pearl knew it. She finally forgives him.

dialect journal 50, pg. 218/219

At this instant old Roger Chillingworth thrust himself through the crowd,—or, perhaps, so dark, disturbed, and evil was his look, he rose up out of some nether region,—to snatch back his victim from what he sought to do! 

I think why Roger is going through all this trouble to destroy Dimmsdale is because he is jealous. If your wife had a baby with another man, and loved this other man, you would be jealous too. He just wants revenge. 

dialect journal 48, pg. 216

"it was as if an angel, in his passage to the skies, had shaken his bright wings over the people for an instant,—at once a shadow and a splendor,—and had shed down a shower of golden truths upon them."

The color gold has been mentions a lot. It is the thread along the A and it is now the shower of truths that the angles bring down. I think Gold represents good in things. And the Color red is the Fire and power in things. 

dialect journal 47, pg. 210

"When the Black Man sees one of his own servants, signed and sealed, so shy of owning to the bond as is the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, he hath a way of ordering matters so that the mark shall be disclosed in open daylight to the eyes of all the world!"

This is just like Roger. Roger is doing everything he can to get the secret out of dimmsdale. He wants the secret to be out for everyone to know. But also he doesnt want anyone to know because he wants the guilt to haunt dimmsdale is whole likfe. Because he knows the guilt is killing him. 

dialect journal 46

The Revelation of the Scarlet letter

This chapter is about how the A is once again changed. A revelation means a surprising and previously unknown fact hat is madeknown in a dramatic way. So I think that this is when Dimmsdale is going to express who is is.  

dialect journal 45, pg. 212

"...finding it imposible to touch her as to catch a hummingbird in the air..."

Here pearl is being compared to a humming bird. Which represent love and happiness, and also have a lot of energy. Pearl to her mom and Dimmsdale is the one who holds them together. She is the love and happiness between them. 

dialect journal 44, pg. 213

"Misstress Hibbons says my father is the Prince of Air."

The Prince of Air  said to be the Devil, who is a spirit making people disobedient to God. It also is said to represent UFOs and Aliens. Being disobedient to god was very frowned upon in Puritan society. And UFOs and aliens would mean the supernautural, which is also very frowned upon in puritan society. Misstress Hibbons saying that pearls father is the "Prince of Air" is mean that whomever Pearls father is is disobeying god, by having a baby with a women he is not married too. 

dialect journal 43, pg. 204

“Don’t you know,” cried the ship’s captain, “that this doctor here—he calls himself Chillingworth—has decided to try ship’s cooking along with you? Yeah, sure, you must have known. He tells me that he is a member of your party and a close friend of the gentleman you spoke of—the one that is in danger from these sour old Puritans.”

He dimmsdale is minipulating the ships captain. He is trying to convince him he is good. This is yet another compariosn to the the devil. the devil is minipulative and lies. 

dialect journal 42, pg. 199 Blah

"Pearl’s bubbliness made her move like a bird, flitting along rather than walking by her mother’s side. She kept breaking into shouts of wild, inarticulate, and sometimes piercing music. "

Pearl is consitnly being compared to birds. They are free and able to do whatever. Pearl is also free. 

dialect journal 40, pg. 187

Tree Trunk with moss.

The tree trunk was blown over in a storm. Just like Hester has her sin. The Moss hides the tree from showing that the storm blew it over. It is comfort for it. I think the forest is hesters moss. It hides her from the meanness from the society. The same could go for dimmsdales too. The forest saves him from the storm in the town.

dialect journal 39, pg. 184

Doth he love us?” said Pearl, looking up with acute intelligence into her mother’s face. “Will he go back with us, hand in hand, we three together, into the town?”

Pearl knows that Dimmsdale is ashamed of what he has done. In this society it is frowend upon to do any sin. So he does not want to go into the society and show that he has commited a sin. Pearl is very smart and she knows that dimmsdales is a coward, even though hester is trying to deny it. 

dialect journal 38, pg. 181/182

There was both truth and error in the impression; the child and mother were estranged, but through Hester’s fault, not Pearl’s. Since the latter rambled from her side, another inmate had been admitted within the circle of the mother’s feelings, and so modified the aspect of them all, that Pearl, the returning wanderer, could not find her wonted place, and hardly knew where she was.

Pearl was feeling left out. The only thing she knew was her mom by her side. She didnt know where she was without her mom. And know that there is someone knew by her moms side. She doesnt want to have anything change. Kids usually don't like change in their life. So she doesn't know where to go or what to do without her mom. 

dialect journal 37, pg. 180

"it was with a feeling which neither of them had ever before experienced, that they sat and watched Pearl’s slow advance. In her was visible the tie that united them. She had been offered to the world, these seven years past, as the living hieroglyphic, in which was revealed the secret they so darkly sought to hide,—all written in this symbol,—all plainly manifest,—had there been a prophet or magician skilled to read the character of flame! And Pearl was the oneness of their being. Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined, when they beheld at once the material union, and the spiritual idea, in whom they met, and were to dwell immortally together? Thoughts like these—and perhaps other thoughts, which they did not acknowledge or define—threw an awe about the child, as she came onward."

This is saying that Pearl bounds these two together. Through everything they have been through she was the secret they were hiding. No matter what came across them pearl was always there to remind them they had each other. 

dialect journal 36, pg. 176

A flood of sunshine
"She undid the clasp that fastend the scarlet letter and taking it from her bosom thew it to a distance amont the  withered leaves."

As Hester took off the A, light shown on her. Finally she was free of her sin. She is with Dimmsdale and everything is better. Even though she took off the A, she still felt like she should be wearing the A. They A was part of her.

dialect journal 35, pg. 171

"Shall I lie down again on these withered leaves.................Must I sink down there, and die at once?"

Dimmsdale would rather die then be with chillingoworth. Puritans believe that god has already choosen wether they are going to heaven or hell. Dimmsdale would rather take his chances on going to hell, then stay with Roger who is like  the devil.

Dialect Journal, 34 pg. 167

"Your sin is left behind you, in the days long past. Your present life is not less holy, in very truth, than it seems in people's eyes."

Dimmsdale is free of his Sin. He is letting everything out. Partially because he is in the forest where he can do anything he wants.  The town is judging everyone, and you have to watch what you do. Or else you will will be "banished" just like Hester was.

dialect journal 33, pg. 164

"She set herself, therefore to gathering violets, and wood-anemones, and some scarlet columbines that she found growing in the crevices of a high rick."

These are all red flowers. Pearl is a symbol of the "A." And I think she subconsciously knows that it is a part of her. She is always dressed in red. She makes A's out of everything.

Dialect Journal. 32

The Black Man has been compared to Dimmsdale and Chillingworth. He is always in the forest. The puritans think that the forest is evil and scary things go on in there. I think the forest is a place where the black man can go and not be judged. Dimmsdale goes there to get away from society. He can be himself and do what he wants.

Dialect Journal, 31 pg. 160

"Mother," said little Pearl, "the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom."

This is a comparison to the theme Light and Dark. Because Hester has sinned, she has done wrong. The light or god no longer follows her. When pearl said it is afraid of something on her bosom, it is meaning that the sun will not shine if you have done wrong.

scarlet Letter Dialect Journal, 29 Ch. 15

"So Roger Chillingworth—a deformed old figure, with a face that haunted men’s memories longer than they liked!"

I think this is comparing Roger to the devil again. Most people think about the negative things that could happen if they do something. Other people think about if i do this will i go to hell? The devil haunts peoples memories with everything you do. Even if you know it or not. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Vocabulary Words- 4

Loquacity - N - talkativeness -  The loquacity of KC made him get kicked out of class. 

Importunate - ADJ -  persistent or demanding - The Importunate little boy screamed until he got candy. 

Chirurgical - ADJ -  relating to surgery -  The chirugical surgery made everyone queez when they cut it. 

Physiognomy - N - Outward characteristics express what they feel on the inside.-  We could tell by the physiognomy of marry that she was sad. 

Ignominy - N - disgrace - The ignominy of the man who shot the person made him kill himself. 

Misanthropy - N - hatred or dislike - My misanthropy towards horseradish makes me gag every time I taste it. 

Invigorated - V - to fill with life and energy - After I drank five red bulls I felt invigorated!

Irrefragable - ADJ - not to be disputed or contested. - The irrefragable evidence made the suspect guilty. 

Galliard - N - a spirited dance for two dancers in triple rhythm - The two dancers took dancing lessons to learn how to dance the galliard. 

Sombre - ADJ - gloomily & dark -The sombre man made everyone around him scared. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Scarlet Letter Dialect Journal, 25 Ch. 13

"They said that it meant Able; so strong was Hester Prynne, with a woman's strength"

The "A" has once again changed its meaning. It is now able. Hester has changed herself and how she lives by helping the poor. She is using her strength to show she doesn't have to live in guilt and sorrow. She is showing she is strong and will go on. And now people are starting to see she isn't so bad after all. 

Scarlet Letter Dialect Journal, 23 Ch. 12

"At the great judgment day!" whispered the minister, —and, strangely enough, the sense that he was a professional teacher of the truth impelled him to answer the child so. "Then, and there, before the judgment-seat, thy mother, and thou, and I, must stand together. But the daylight of this world shall not see our meeting!"

I think the minister is still ashamed of what he has done. He doesn't actually want to expose himself to everyone. He did this to make it seem like he was going to do the right thing. But Pearl knows that he is faking it because he wont be shown in public with them. He wants to wait until judgment day to show that he was the father. He is being a coward. And the guilt is slowly killing him.

Scarlet Letter Dialect Journal, 24 Ch. 12

The Meteor

The meteor had lit up the sky. It made light where there was darkness. The meteor was said to make a "A" in the clouds. I think it represents Dimmsdales guilt as he stands upon the scaffold. But the Minister thinks it represents angles for Governor Winthrop. Maybe this is saying that now that Dimmsdale is confessing their can be forgivness in this dark place.