Monday, November 14, 2011

Vocabulary Words- 4

Loquacity - N - talkativeness -  The loquacity of KC made him get kicked out of class. 

Importunate - ADJ -  persistent or demanding - The Importunate little boy screamed until he got candy. 

Chirurgical - ADJ -  relating to surgery -  The chirugical surgery made everyone queez when they cut it. 

Physiognomy - N - Outward characteristics express what they feel on the inside.-  We could tell by the physiognomy of marry that she was sad. 

Ignominy - N - disgrace - The ignominy of the man who shot the person made him kill himself. 

Misanthropy - N - hatred or dislike - My misanthropy towards horseradish makes me gag every time I taste it. 

Invigorated - V - to fill with life and energy - After I drank five red bulls I felt invigorated!

Irrefragable - ADJ - not to be disputed or contested. - The irrefragable evidence made the suspect guilty. 

Galliard - N - a spirited dance for two dancers in triple rhythm - The two dancers took dancing lessons to learn how to dance the galliard. 

Sombre - ADJ - gloomily & dark -The sombre man made everyone around him scared. 

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