1a. Powhatan, their emperor lives there. There was more than 200 of grim courtiers. All of their heads were painted red, and had a great chain of white beads around their necks.
2a. Pohawtan planned his exection. But Pocahontas saved him by throwing herself in front of him. While men with clubs stand in front of him.
3a. They bring him food, and supplies they might need.
5a. Yes. He probably didn't understand the indian culture and how they act. He maybe wrote this 15years later to show that he did do something for the founding of America, or exaggerate what he did to make him self look better.
1b. He may have done it to show that he has power over them. They looked at him like he was a monster, they have probably never seen a white man before, so it was all new to them.
2b. I think she saved his life because she liked him.
3b. Because of the food they were getting, saved people from starving to death. And made the americans think they could live in Jamestown without dying.
So, what does Pocahontas find attractive about Smith?
ReplyDeleteGood answers.