1) Obsolete- Adj. Out of date.
We threw away our obsolete computer, and bought a new one.
2) Paucity- Noun. Smallness of quantity.
The paucity of evidence could not prove he was guilty.
3) Philistine- Noun. Someone who is hostile or indifferent.
She acted like a philistine when she was talking about how santa isn't real to her little sister.
4) Meticulous- Adj. Showing extreme care about minute details.
The meticulous maid kept everything clean and orderly.
5) Officious- Adj. Offering ones, unrequested and unwanted advice.
The officious man would not stop telling me how to cook a chicken, even though I told him to stop.
6) Peruse- Verb. To read through with care.
I had to peruse through my notes before my exam.
7) Mitigate- Verb. To make less severe.
The doctor had to mitigate the cut by putting medicine on it.
8) Perfidy- Noun. Deliberate breach of faith or trust.
The therapist committed perfidy when she told her mom about what a client said.
9) Morose- Adj. Characterized by expressing gloom.
The morose movie about dying dogs made the little girl want to go save them.
Scarlet Letter Vocab.
1) Dearth- Noun. Scarce, an inadequate supply.
There is a dearth of crayons in the box of markers.
2) Magnate- Noun. A person of great influence.
Oprah is a magnate, because she built a school in Africa for children in need.
3) Opaque- Adjective. Not transparent or translucent
The window was so dirty it was opaque.
4) Veneration- Noun. Act of treating someone with deep respect.
The veneration of my class mates is very little.
5) Florid- Adjective. Reddish, Rosy.
6) Esoteric- Adjective. Understood by, only for select people with a special knowledge.
7) Malleable- Adjective. A
ble to be hammered or pressedpermanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
8) Evanescent- Adjective. Vanishing; fading away; fleeting.
9) Vitiated- Verb. Make Faulty.
10) Propensity- Noun. A natural inclination.
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